“I have been a patient of Rabia’s for several years and cannot say enough about how much I appreciate everything she has done to help me heal. When I first came in for treatment, I had terrible acne, was bloated and had pain all over my body and joints. I also was suffering 3-4 migraines every week. I was doing physical therapy, which was a little helpful but the pain would return a few hours after therapy. My energy was non-existent. I was also diagnosed with Fibromyalgia. To be in my early thirties, I was a bit of a wreak and I thought it was my fault for having three kids and a full time job. Up until I sought holistic treatment, doctors made me feel like a hypochondriac. After a number of holistic tests, I found out that I had severe food allergies and a bacterial overgrowth that was doing a number on my intestines. Rabia was there for me throughout my treatment and today I am almost back to the way I felt in my twenties. I feel like exercising, the pain has gone away, my acne has disappeared and to be honest, I’m happier and less depressed. Rabia gets to the bottom of what is causing the pain and treats a patient holistically versus a band-aid approach. As I write this today, I think I had one migraine in the past month… it’s really amazing how good I feel. Thank you Rabia.” -M.S.